A woman should know their self-worth and walk away from a violent partner

Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, domestic partners and families have been forced to spend more time together at home, especially now that working from home has also become the new normal. Not surprisingly, being in such close proximity for extended periods of time has resulted in higher stress levels, leading to domestic violence.
The other prevailing factor is the fact that a number of men have been rendered jobless due to the pandemic. This means that they are frustrated and often, this frustration is taken out on their wives and children. Cases of women being beaten or even sexually assaulted by their partners have been on the rise.
Cases of men beating women over minor cases are high. Research shows that 35% of women worldwide have experienced physical and sexual partner violence. Globally, 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner.
And because traditionally women have been told that standing up to a man or even leaving a marriage that has turned violent is bad, they hide their scars with make-up and smile like nothing is wrong. Many will give the excuse of not wanting their children to grow up without a father. Others choose to stay with their abusive partners because they think that they can change them.
However, no one deserves ill treatment from the one person who swore to love and protect them from any harm. No woman should stay with an abusive partner just for the sake of a complete family.
Getting out of an abusive relationship is not easy but one deserves to live free of fear. I urge most women to seek guidance and counselling services. Today there are a number of women empowerment programs where a woman will be offered support. Also, a woman can join a group of women in the same situation and it is through these groups that together, you can come up with solutions. These groups also uplift and remind women of their self-worth.
Women that are facing similar challenges should stop sitting back but rather take a step and see to it that they either get help or leave the relationship before the violence trickles down to the children. Knowing one’s self-worth and saying no to an abusive partner is also a step in the right direction.
Written by Kebirungi Gloria
The writer is a student at Makerere University.
(Bachelor of Records and Archives Management.)