Sometimes, age should be just that; a number

A number of women fear getting older. However, this should not be the case since nowadays, getting older simply means being more knowledgeable. It is possible to take care of your body so as to avoid looking old and haggard.
You can achieve this by drinking enough water, staying active through exercise, changing your style and adopting healthy eating habits.
Nalubega Berna, a wellness enthusiast and fitness trainer, says exercising is one of the best ways to keep looking younger.
“I have mastered the art of working the body. I exercise regularly without fail and make sure I eat well and sleep well,’’ she says.
It is common for most middle-aged women to give up on self-care because they believe no one is looking up to them but self-care should be personal.
- Look after your skin
Retinoid creams will help you keep wrinkles at bay while moisturisers and lotions with vitamin A are excellent at reversing the aging process. Apply some moisturiser before going to bed. These are available in over the counter pharmacies or contact a dermatologist to get an expert opinion.
- Opt for a haircut or color
You have probably seen older women cutting their hair short and wondered why. There is some magic in a simple haircut. It reverses age instantly and makes one look younger. A little color or tint could also work wonders if you don’t fancy cutting off your hair. Just make sure you choose something that you will be comfortable with.
- Invest in better fitting clothing
The secret is to avoid any clothes that are too tight or too loose because these will easily highlight your age. Find well-fitting clothes that compliment your body and stay away from trends like shorts or matching combination attires. A t-shirt, blazer and denim skirt or jeans will give you a wonderful classic youthful look. Dramatic coloured clothes are interesting but plain colours are versatile.
- Avoid stress
Stress leads to faster aging. Find out what is causing the stress and eliminate it. Concentrate on things that make you happier and make you feel more relaxed. Find hobbies to keep you active or join a women’s activity group and be of impact in your community.
- Manage menopause
There are lots of changes that come with menopause but it shouldn’t be the reason for you to look archaic. Don’t lose yourself to something you have no control over. Self-care should never become an option for any woman old or young. Keep a moisturised skin, drink water, busk in the sun and eat a balanced diet.
- Maintain an all-natural healthy diet
Make a conscious plan to eat an all-natural meal every day to stay looking young after forty. Cut out processed foods and drinks saturated in fat or sugars. Scientists have found that additives can cause skin inflammation. Antioxidant foods like kale, beans, peas, tomatoes, fatty fish and berries among others should be added to your daily menu.
- Don’t stop working
This is an old wives secret to staying young; don’t stop tiling the land, don’t stop working whether it is your business or career or a hobby. Work keeps the brain active and the body moving. Once the brain is active and being utilised like it should be, the other organs and skin will follow