Sometimes, it is about spreading love

Christmas is all about sharing and gifts are always part of the equation. Gifting shows love and will surely bless lives.
In a year where life was harder than many envisioned, a gift is an amazing thing to share this season. However, unlike what most people think, this year, Kristy Nairuba, a Sunday school teacher says, people need love. “Let us normalise loving in various ways because it is that which people crave for more than tangible gifts,” she says.
Therefore, this Christmas, bless a disadvantaged family with a meal so they can also enjoy the day. See, while a gift of say, a toy car will surely make that child at your neighbour’s home ecstatic, providing them with that meal will fill their bellies as well.
“You could invite them over, take them dishes of food or buy them food,” Nairuba says.
Kate Lusambu, a children’s home caretaker says a visit to these children’s homes will light up their world. A world of staying in a children’s home, though a privilege, is sometimes lonely.
“These children do not get that much love as other children get because the caretakers have several children to take care of and each needs a piece of them. Therefore, chances of experiencing a mother’s love like one would in their own home is not guaranteed,” she says.
This Christmas season, visit a children’s home with whatever you can carry and lots of love to lavish upon these babies. You will make their day more fulfilling.
Lusambu says, you can also choose to adopt a child. “While taking a child home after the adoption process would be every one of these little ones’ dream, sometimes, it is not possible. However, you can decide to sponsor one hence catering to their needs as your pocket allows and this will totally change their lives,” she says.
Nairuba adds that in the same spirit of spreading love, this season, spend time with your elderly neighbour that is bound to spend the day alone. “While some are weary of these persons, it will be an amazing gesture to take them a meal and spend a minute or two with them. It will warm their hearts and make the day more colourful and beautiful,” she says.
While Christmas is usually about the big feasts and extravagant gifts, for some, it is just your time that they desire and Rita Nakirya, a counsellor says during Christmas season, go home and bring life to your parents’ home.
“It is not about cooking and using that beautiful China. It is more about dusting those cobweb drenched walls, clean the stain-filled walls, weed the compound and bring life to the place again. It will also bring a smile to your parents,” she says.
So, as you think of gifting people this Christmas season, think of ways you can bring cheer that lasts to the hearts of people. It is not always about money, although it is a vehicle for many things to happen. Ensuring that love is spread in your giving is crucial.