Start thinking about you

Now, more than ever, it is crucial that women take care of themselves. Remember, you cannot give of what you do not have. Therefore, before you advise others about how they ought to take care of themselves or before you pour yourself out to others, tend to your own needs. Here are some things you may want to add to your daily regimen:
Make time for you
Oftentimes, women say, “I wish there were more hours in the day, I would do something for myself.” With a lot going on in our lives, many wish there were more days than just seven. However, the number of days and hours is not about to change. In fact, chances are that they will seem fewer with increasing responsibility. Between work, family, and community or social responsibilities, guilt may set in if you create as many as 30 minutes for yourself. However, Domitila Among, a counsellor, says creating personal time is essential for productive living. “It is crucial that you appreciate that your body needs to reset for you to be happier, productive, and healthier. Ultimately, you will serve better,” she says.
Brighten up your plate
The brighter your plate looks, the healthier your food portions are. Irene Namuli, a nutrition consultant, says eating more vegetables is healthy.
“Having as much colour on your plate as possible is healthy. Therefore, get the carrots, tomatoes, onions, pepper bells, and cauliflower on your plate. That is not forgetting fruits such as watermelon, oranges and pawpaws. These will supply you with essential vitamins and minerals responsible for keeping your body immunity high but also give you a natural glow,” she says.
Go for medical check-ups
Medical check-ups, contrary to common notions, are not a sign that one is sick but that one loves their body. For instance, a breast cancer check can help you catch the ailment before it spreads which eases treatment. Among says that women should also go for pap smears for cervical cancer check-ups as well as dental and eye check-ups. “All these are necessary, more so as we get older,” she says.
That is not forgetting checking up for HIV, Hepatitis B, and chlamydia for those that are sexually active. “While you may be careful with your sex life, your partner may not be,” she adds.
Add Omega-3 to your diet
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to human health as they promote fat burning while halting the creation of new fat cells. Namuli says you can get these from fish such as Nile Perch which has 710 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per 100g, the highest in any fish. “You can also get it from chia seeds, Brussel sprouts, walnuts, and eggs,” she says.
Namuli adds that increasing the intake of omega-3 acid-rich foods will stimulate the secretion of leptin which reduces appetite, promotes body and belly fat burning, and stabilises glucose.
Stay energised
Lately, women are working so hard and trying to wear many hats without taking a moment to breath. That leads to a loss of energy that is sometimes substituted by energy drinks which are essentially empty calories. “Women need to unplug, do more exercises, and eat healthy to remain energised. It could also stretch as far as getting off social media for a while to do personal reflection as well as a recalibration,” Among says.