How to deal with a snoring partner

Snoring is bad for your health, affects your sleep quality and sometimes, it could affect the bond between two people sharing a bed. Often, newlyweds have a lot of stories to tell after their first month of marriage. The beautiful/handsome partner they fantasised about becomes a nightmare when the snoring doesn’t stop.

In all fairness, sleeping with a person who snores can be very challenging. If you have had a snoring housemate before, you can totally testify to this.

According to scientific research by Hopkins medicine, 45% of adults snore occasionally while 25% snore regularly. The study further highlights that being overweight, bad sleeping posture, age and underlying diseases could be the reason a person snores.

So how do we deal with the problem of a snoring partner, here are some tips to help you cope:

Talk about the issue

The best way to find solutions to something that affects two people is to first talk about it; hold a conversation with the person and let them know that they snore because most people who snore don’t even know they do. Prior to the talk, find a few working solutions and put them on the table.

Change how you think of the sound

Remember the mind is a powerhouse; if you have been viewing the sound as irritating, think of it as soothing or don’t even think of it at all because once you pay too much attention, you’re likely to get sleepless nights.

Train your mind, meditate or listen to pre-recorded nature sounds.

Go to bed before the “snorer”

This could actually work for you if you’re trying to catch some sleep. Put out the lights an hour before bed time, don’t drink or eat and let your mind prepare to rest. Adjust your sleeping schedule accordingly, so that you sleep before the “snorer” to avoid the inconvenience.

Raise the head of the bed or adjust the pillow

A raised head bed can be of help in reducing the snoring. It is recommended that the bed’s head be raised by 4 inches to assist the person’s neck position. Adjust the pillow to support the person’s neck so that they are less likely to snore. If one is not enough, add one but not beyond two because you may end up affecting their neck health.

Advise the snorer not to drink alcohol or smoke before bed

Scientists have found that drinking alcohol in excess relaxes the throat muscles, causing snoring or worsening it. Always discourage the snorer from indulging in drinking games before bed time.

Let the snorer adjust their sleeping position

Shift the sleeping position of the snorer on the side or their stomach but not the back which causes strongest snoring. Shifting the sleeping position may help in reducing the consistency of the snoring.

Talk to a doctor or specialist

Sometimes snoring can be a sign of underlying health conditions, especially in older people. For most middle aged women, snoring is common during post menopause. However, it is always to be armed, so seek medical attention to be safe.

Snoring shouldn’t be rubbed off as a simple annoying behaviour, because it can have long-term effects on the other person. That is why a professional’s advice is needed in such cases for both partners to enjoy quality sleep.


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