The making of Faith E. Nabaggala

Image is more than physical appearance and first impression matters. Faith E. Nabaggala, an image, etiquette and brand consultant at Gala Image Consulting, cannot agree more and works with her clients to better their image.  Nabaggala says she has only come this far because of God’s grace.

“While I have worked with various people and organisations, only God made it possible. Each day, He graciously reveals what lies ahead of me.” Her family has also been an amazing rock not forgetting her friends. Nabaggala also attests to the blessing of studying in good schools as well as the ability to invest in her career through attending various trainings.

“The more I study and do research, the wider and deeper the possibilities of my career become.”

Passion is another driver of her excellence as she says that whether speaking to children, training at a big company or encouraging women to become the best of themselves, she gives it her all.

But she agrees that inasmuch as the start was exciting, full of passion and self-discovery, it was not easy, “It was tough, with lots of disappointments but the amazing highs made the struggle worth it.” 

Nabaggala is also the founder of The Women’s Getaway and Spice & Sizzle; two events meant to inspire and celebrate womanhood.

To keep herself relevant and at the top, Nabaggala has adopted several habits that have become behaviours. “I make sure that I pray, have ‘alone time’ to help me focus, celebrate my efforts as well as do self-assessment after every project and at various time intervals.” That said, making it to the top is one thing and staying there is another.

She says it has and continues to call for self-improvement. One way is by investing in her career and trying to learn something new every day. “I also learn from those with more experience, and share knowledge while never settling for less. That is not forgetting to encourage others, find someone to bless each day, and giving the best of myself in every way while not losing focus of my vision.”

While Nabaggala believes that women should succeed, she also appreciates that nothing comes on a silver platter. Therefore, whether one is a career or business woman, she says, “You need to put God first because His guidance is very important. The other bit is the need to know who you are and your worth lest you get lost in the maze of life. That said, persevere because life has several twists and turns and that can only be possible when you love what you do. Do not forget to invest in yourself and your career because knowledge is everything.”

Nabaggala also urges women not to give up on their dreams, stay positive, work at learning from others, understand that setbacks will come but only make you stronger, and that success is not defined by money.

She appreciates that there are times when one feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. “For that woman, the remedy is you need to ‘do you first; love and, appreciate you. Celebrate, improve, polish, grow, cry, laugh, and when the need arises, boldly say NO! without an iota of guilt. Remember to be the best version of yourself so you will be able to give to the world wholeheartedly.” 


Faith Nabaggala is the proprietor of Gala Image Consulting, a certified image consultant from the

South African Image Academy. She also holds a certificate in Adult Finishing School from the School

of Etiquette – South Africa. Besides that, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial and Fine Art with

a major in Advertising.