Wearing the tech hat with grace

It is not every day that you find a woman so passionate about her job that she does it without a fault. It goes even a notch higher when this is in one of those fields that many label male-oriented. Tabitha Brenda Namwone is a multifaceted woman in technology. Her skillset ranges from front-end development to community management to digital security training, UI/UX and project management amongst a plethora of things.

As a Women Tech-makers Ambassador (WTM), she creates room for more women in tech through organizing events, speaking about technology, giving skill trainings to tech communities and women interested in joining technology.

In her 9 to 5 job, Namwone works as a community and learning associate at Outbox. Here, she is part of a team that creates spaces where entrepreneurs are able to access funding opportunities and knowledge that will enable them to unlock greater opportunities for their businesses.

She is also a co-founder of a startup called Waape (waape.ug) where they have a platform that links employers and freelancers.

At Waape, their overall goal is to offset the high unemployment rate amongst youth and society, on a whole, by making it easier for people to attain gainful employment. “It is a brick by brick process, but we are making great strides,” she says.

Waape started in 2020, at the peak of the pandemic, but Namwone concretely got into tech in 2019 when she had a proper introduction to programming through the Outbox EDU program. “I did grow up in a home where my father was an IT Engineer so I was quite proficient with computers by the time I was in Primary 4. As such, the tech field is not far removed from my life,” she says

Namwone is also a Google WTM Ambassador and impacts upon women through organising hackathons, tech events and creating technology content that these can participate in. As a WTM Ambassador, she loves to see more women break into and thrive in the tech field and even go ahead to innovate to make life better for others through their solutions and their knowledge. “I live for a world where women, girls, human rights defenders and their work are safer on the internet. As a digital trainer, through skilling and mindset change one training and hackathon at a time, I am always enthused to watch this change,” she says.

Namwone also wears the digital security trainer hat and extends her skillset not just to women but to organisations as well. 

Doing several things in the tech world yet never faulting on any, she says she is insanely passionate about the technology field. “My driving force for most of the things I do is mostly passion and the desire to show others how amazing it can be,” she says.


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