Here is how to rid your home of fleas

Fleas can multiply quickly and live a shocking average of 100 days, so there’s no question about how they expand into an infestation. In most cases, fleas will enter your home on your pet, on your shoes and clothing, in old furniture or rugs, through the cracks in your house or from an infested yard or garden.
Getting rid of fleas can be a challenging task, but there are several effective methods you can use to address a flea infestation in your home and on your pets.
Identify the problem
First, confirm that your pet has fleas. Common signs include excessive scratching, flea dirt (tiny black specks resembling pepper flakes) on your pet’s fur, and sometimes even visible fleas.
Consult your veterinarian for the most appropriate flea control product for your pet. There are various options, such as topical treatments, oral medications, and collars. Follow the instructions carefully, and ensure you’re using the right product for your pet’s age and weight.
Clean your home
Wash your pet’s bedding, toys, and any other washable items in hot water. High temperatures will kill fleas and their eggs. Vacuum your carpets, rugs, and upholstery, paying special attention to areas where your pet spends time. This helps remove adult fleas, eggs, and larvae. Immediately dispose of the vacuum bag or clean the canister to prevent fleas from escaping. Steam cleaning carpets and upholstery can also help eliminate fleas and their eggs.
Outdoor treatment
Use outdoor flea control products in your yard, focusing on areas where your pet likes to play or rest. Follow the instructions on the product label. Keeping your grass short can reduce flea hiding spots.
Brushing your pet regularly with a fine-toothed flea comb can help remove adult fleas and their eggs. Dip the comb in soapy water to drown the fleas you collect.
Prevent reinfestation:
Continue with your chosen flea prevention method for your pet to prevent future infestations. Keep your home and pet areas clean and vacuum regularly. Wash your pet’s bedding and toys periodically.
If your flea problem persists despite your efforts, consider consulting a pest control professional. They can assess the situation and provide more targeted treatments.
Remember that persistence is key when dealing with fleas. You may need to repeat some of these steps to fully eradicate the infestation. Additionally, it’s essential to treat all pets in your household, even if only one appears to have fleas, to prevent the infestation from spreading. Always consult your veterinarian for advice tailored to your specific pet’s needs.