I found healing in massage and decided to share my secret – Joyce

Throughout history, massage has been considered one of the oldest healing traditions. Many ancient people were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massages, the reason they were used to treat a variety of ailments.

Massage therapy is the practice of kneading or manipulation of a person’s muscles and other softer tissue in order to improve their wellbeing or health.

Joyce Atuheire is a Business Administration graduate, a mother and entrepreneur who suffered the effects of stress for a long time. When she found the solution, she decided to share it with the world through Hands of Brama. Also, Atuheire had noticed a gap in the health and wellness industry where most people preferred services delivered to their doorstep.

Thus, in 2017, her clinic known as Hands of Brama Massage Clinic started out as a mobile massage service. A year later, the clinic opened up a physical location in Bukoto to serve even more clientele.

What inspired you to start Hands of Brama? 

While at university, I suffered from chronic stress. One day, a friend offered to take me to a place where they would help to relieve the stress. The first time I went to a spa, I felt so relaxed afterwards. The peace and the serenity within was unmatched and I enjoyed every bit of it.

After this, I had the desire to live like this for the rest of my life. Of course, at that moment, the only way I would have been able to do so is if I was at the centre of it all and that was if I worked in a place like that. The desire to extend that peace to other people that suffered from the stress like I did was one of my biggest inspirations.

I then travelled to Nairobi for a six-month training course about the anatomy of the body. Upon successful completion, I came back home in 2018 and opened my first outlet in Bukoto, Kampala.

What secret is in massage therapy that you’d want the world to know?

Did you know that a massage can cure up to 80% of diseases? So, it is not just a luxury, but it’s everything that you get in return. First of all, when you receive a massage, you not only relax, but you get to deal with stress, fatigue, body pains, insomnia, depression and chronic pain.

Also, a massage is equivalent to eight hours of sleep. There are also so many health and wellness benefits that come with a massage and this is what I want the world to learn.

How do you protect yourself from sexual assault?

Safety comes first. This is why we have intake forms where we have disclaimers and suggestions which we use to keep track of each session.  We also encourage an assessment of clients and ensure that our employees are protected.

How do you manage to break the bias that massage parlours are prostitution hubs?

The most important thing when I was starting out was not to listen to naysayers. I knew what my vision was and I saw where I was going; the rest was background noise. I know exactly what I am doing, so if someone calls me a prostitute that is on them.   

What challenges do you face?

Just like any other business, we incur some hurdles but my optimistic attitude helps to maintain the business afloat and keeps my team motivated.

What advice do you give women who want to start a business?

The most important thing is knowing what you want and setting your goals. Make sure you have a vision and don’t encourage negativity but most importantly, exercise discipline. Start the business and God will do the rest.