Personal grooming; more than just bathing

Personal grooming habits are skills that help boost your inner confidence and maintain the overall hygiene of your body. Such habits as washing hands after visiting the toilet, brushing teeth after waking up and before going to bed, trimming nails, keeping your hair neat, and many more are important to boost your appearance and self-esteem.

A person’s personal grooming routine is very important because it determines how you feel about yourself and how other people perceive you. Routines may vary from individual to individual but often include similar basic steps.

Oral care

While you can generally be complete after all the other cleaning tasks for personal grooming just once a day, your teeth require more dedicated attention and you may have to clean them at least twice a day if not after every meal.

According to Dr Sulaiman Kintu, a dental surgeon at Suham Dental surgery, brushing and flossing teeth ensures good daily oral hygiene. Every morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to bed, you should floss and brush your teeth or else you will have a build-up of plaque, tooth decay and an unpleasant smell.

He says, “Frequent flossing is very important because it keeps food particles from becoming cavity-forming plaque between your teeth and around your gums. After flossing, brush your teeth gently but thoroughly for two to three minutes. Once you finish brushing, rinse with mouthwash to remove any remaining food particles.”


This is one of the most neglected parts of the body when it comes to grooming. Many people have a lot of underarm hair. Since the sweat glands in this area are very active, once coupled with overgrown hair, the underarms give off an unpleasant odour.

It is important that while bathing, you pay more attention to this area, shave as often as possible and always remember to wear a deodorant (anti-perspirant) to avoid sweating in this area. Many people put on perfume or cologne as part of their grooming routine. Perfume and cologne should be applied in small amounts in order to not produce an overwhelming smell.

Face and cosmetics

Many people have sensitive facial skin. Some people use prescription medication and face wash to treat skin conditions; this is part of their specific grooming routine. For others, a mild cleanser and washcloth to gently exfoliate the skin on the face are enough.

Emily Subira, a beautician, remarks that women often apply cosmetics to enhance the features of their face. Make-up products commonly used are face powder, blush, and lipstick. Eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara may also be used on the eyes.

She advises that the make-up should be light and formal and not overly done. Just avoid too heavy makeup such as excessive lipstick, elaborated eye makeup and false eyelashes, visible tattoos etc. Lips give your face a complete look. Wear mascara and lip color for the polished and attractive lips.

“Applying several layers of makeup will not only change your entire self but also clog the pores. It is also important to keep track of your facial products’ expiry dates. Also, remember to wash your makeup brushes frequently to avoid a build-up of bacteria in them,” she warns.


Skin care typically consists of using products designed to clean, exfoliate, moisturize, and improve the appearance of the skin.  Keeping your skin healthy and elastic is ideal for fighting the effects of aging and maintaining your appearance.

Dr Edward Ogwang, a dermatologist at the Skin Specialist Clinic, after bathing, many people apply a full-body moisturizer for softer and suppler skin. Lotions and oils keep your body wrinkle-free for longer.

If you want to maintain healthy skin, drink plenty of water and always keep your diet healthy. He also adds that fruits and vegetables, adequate sleep, and high hygiene levels will restore the natural glow on your skin.

Hair and Scalp

Dr Ogwang says, “Combing and brushing hair is part of personal grooming. It is important to wash your hair at least twice a week if your hair is very oily and after two weeks if you have dry hair. The hair and scalp are cleansed using a mild shampoo massaged into a lather; it is then rinsed away with any dirt and oils.”

You may apply a conditioner to add moisture and protection to the scalp and hair as a barrier against heat styling, UV rays, and environmental damage. While some conditioners are rinsed out at the end of bathing, others are left in for more intensive treatment.

Short or long hair should be kept clean, neat and combed daily. Regular haircuts usually keep hair healthy and in good condition. Hair can be styled in many different ways using a variety of different styling products.

Do not over use shampoo. Remember to apply hair oil afterward to provide it with the necessary nourishment. Use a quality hairbrush to comb your hair so that it does not break. Avoid scratching your scalp in public. It is bad manners.

Unwanted hairs

Many women choose to include body and facial hair removal in their personal grooming routine. It is important to shave off excess hair whenever necessary. Women may shave or wax their legs, underarms, and bikini area frequently. Trim your eyebrows as well as the excess facial hairs like beards in case you have them.


Dr Ogwang says, “One of the most important aspects of personal grooming is bathing regularly. The most critical practice is to use a mild cleanser to wash away dirt and oils from your body. Gently wash your body using a body sponge or washcloth while applying soap on it.”

It will help exfoliate dead skin cells and enable generation of new cells. This will help to lessen dry, flaky, and itchy skin.

Remember not to use a very hard sponge or apply a lot of pressure while bathing because the skin is delicate and can easily be irritated. Once the whole body is lathered, rinse thoroughly under lukewarm water.


Keeping nails short and clean is also part of being presentable. It is socially acceptable and fashionable for most women to have medium-length nails but not for men. Regardless of length, be sure that nails are evenly trimmed, clean, and, if painted, are not chipped or scratched.


Dressing is also an important part of personal grooming. Clothes should be clean and free of stains, holes, and wrinkles. Properly fitting clothes look best. Wearing clothing that is too big or small in size can make a person look unkempt.

According to Subira, clothes boost your confidence and help you attain a more positive attitude; therefore, it is important that you choose clothes that are specific depending on the occasion. If you have no event and you are simply readying for a day around the house, choose a comfortable, well-fitting, and clean outfit. A tasteful way of dressing earns you respect and conveys an air of maturity and attentiveness to detail.

Your shoes are included in the dressing; always remember to wear clean and comfortable footwear because the type of footwear leaves an impression on you. Whether you choose to wear heels or low-heeled footwear, ensure to keep them clean for a better impression.

Proper etiquette

Ali Male, a counseling psychologist at A to Z Counselling Services also remarks that, although it is important to look neat and attractive, it is equally necessary to be groomed in the way we talk, move around, sit, and present ourselves including having good dining manners.

He remarks that, “Dining etiquettes is all about how you eat and behave on a dining table. It includes table manners, restaurant etiquettes, wine etiquettes, business etiquettes, and conversation tips among others. Your level of grooming will often create an impression of yourself and oftentimes will help you avoid unnecessary embarrassments in the presence of other people.”  


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