Why make your bed every day?

This is probably the most important part of good housekeeping. A bedroom, however hidden it may be, is a determinant of who you are and what the rest of your house will look like. That small space where you come to rest at the end of the day, can have a huge impact on your life.

Being the one place where you start and end your day, the surrounding can have an influence on how you wake up, your mood, concentration and thoughts. A well-kept bedroom can start you off in an organised way, enabling you to accomplish so much within the day.

Nalusiiba Regina, a stay at home mother and a former house keeper, says most hotel guests are attracted by the well laid beds and kept rooms.

“Hotels ensure that the beds are well-made, with cosy beddings and an overall clean environment. Just those two elements, which seem simple are magical and attract many guests,” she says.

While it is easy and convenient to just roll out of bed and leave tons of clothes and shoes all over the place, a clean room and well-made bed could be the only solution to most of your bad behavioural patterns. Never leave the house without ticking this chore. Here are some reasons you should consider making your bed a habit every morning:

A good night’s sleep

Smooth sheets, a well-made bed and tidy room all will contribute to how fast and well you sleep. This is one of the reasons we sleep better in hotel rooms. Now that you have learned this trick early, never get out of the door without making your bed.

Starts you off on the right foot

Making your bed is the fast task of the day. Once this is completed, the rest will be easy to accomplish. The feeling of neatness after making your bed in the morning inspires you to keep the spirit all day long and thus, you are able to complete a lot more. Also, making your bed can trigger a chain of good decision making that makes you more productive throughout the day.

Elevates your mental health

You will agree that when you spend most of your time in your bedroom, the appearance of your personal space affects your mood. A cluttered, untidy bedroom will not keep you calm, relaxed or happy. Disorganization cannot allow good to come to your mind and as a result you feel stressed, gloomy and anxious instead.

Making your bed makes you much happier. It helps keep things in the right places. If you have been looking for happier days, here is something that requires less effort yet is very yielding.

Inspiration to keep the rest of the house tidy

However clean a room is, if the bed is not made it will still look bad. A well-made bed can change everything. When you make your bed, the change it will bring will encourage you to keep the rest of the space organized and neat. You won’t want to see any dirty clothes on the floor. It will spark new ideas on how to maintain an organized room.

Tips to make your bed look better and appealing

  1. Purchase more puffy pillows.At least 4 to 6 pillows will bring extra comfort and give your bed the appearance of a huge bed space. You can choose bold statement pillow covers, customised or coloured ones.
  2. Choose cotton bedsheets because of the breathable material that keeps your body cool and comfortable.
  3. Ensure the duvet or blanket is warm. This will depend on the colour of your bedroom walls, curtains, and tiles among others. However, beige and grey colours are good because they match most environments and give a classy, elegant look to the room.
  4. Always iron your bedsheets to keep them wrinkle free and get rid of any germs or micro-organisms. It is also said that ironed bedsheets don’t get old or dirty quickly.

Lastly, when you make the bed, fold and tuck in sheets at the corner for a neater look and if you’re not allergic, use bedroom scents for a good night’s sleep.