

Found 151 Posts

A new perfume, book? Why every woman

For so long, women have had to take care of...

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Decorating your living room for Christmas

From holding the Christmas tree and all the gifts, to...

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The best exercises for your butt

Besides the aesthetics that butt lifting provides, there is a...

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Here is how to care for those

Acrylic nails are the in thing and a number of...

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Embrace your natural hair

In a modern world with many hair style options, African...

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All you need to know about using

Fuller eyes, lush-looking eyes, all that and more will get...

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Understanding your make-up kit

To look good, a number of women will apply make-up....

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Taking care of your makeup

When applied well, make-up will make any woman look amazing....

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Jose House of Creations using fashion to

In Kampala, second hand clothes are common in markets, shops...

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It is time to accept the new

With each new year comes a number of resolutions and...

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