Beauty benefits of tomatoes

According to, an online portal, high fruit and vegetable intake is linked to healthy skin and hair, better energy levels, and lower weight. Therefore, upping their consumption will go a long way to not only improve your looks but also ensuring you have amazing health.

Every woman delights in having beautiful skin and one vegetable that can help is tomatoes which Loius Bismarck, a beautician, says are a great beauty home remedy.

Brighter skin

Incidences such as poor sleep patterns and stress are capable of giving you uneven or dull-looking skin. “Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin E, C, and beta carotene, which will help with evening out your skin tone, ultimately making it look brighter. No, we are not talking about bleaching but helping your skin get back its natural glow,” he says.

Blend one tomato, and to its juice, add a half teaspoon of turmeric and sandalwood powder to make a paste. Apply the paste to your face and allow it to dry. With lukewarm water, wash the mask off. Ensure you make this a weekly practice for lasting results.

Pore tightening

Some women have large skin facial pores and these tend to make them look older than their age. Additionally, these pores allow for dirt to easily mix with skin oils, which leads to bad skin reactions. In such instances, seeing that tomatoes are a natural astringent, they come in handy to shrink the pores.

Using tomato pulp and a few drops of lemon juice, make a paste to apply to your face. Allow the mask to sit for at least 10 minutes before washing it off using lukewarm water.

Remedies skin irritation

Some beauty products we use have ingredients that can irritate the skin. For example, someone with acne will suffer reversely from excessive use of anti-acne products. The practice will also cause the skin to react by swelling up. However, the anti-inflammatory properties of tomatoes will help restore your skin’s natural glow.

Rather than the juice, in this case, the pulp is needed and it should be well mixed with fresh cucumber juice. Thereafter, apply to your face and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before washing off. Do this until the skin irritation is gone. It is however advisable that you do not try to pinch the swellings or rub them as this intensifies the inflammation.

Slows aging

The composition of our environment is quickly changing to host lots of air pollution that endangers the condition of our skin. One of the issues arising is fast aging which is every woman’s nightmare. Save keeping hydrated and eating lots of fruits and vegetables, in particular using tomatoes as a beauty product will help your skin.

Mix tomato pulp with mashed avocado to make a paste to rub on the face. After five to eight minutes, wash it off with a mild cleanser. That will give a firm and wrinkle-free look.